Friday, July 28, 2006

Tomorrow I'll be 24

Tomorrow I'll be 24. What can I say about being 24?

Well, the mists are clearing & I get to see a better picture of my journey, of where I'm heading. I think I'm going to like it.

They say what defines a man are the choices/decisions he makes. Bla bla...of course it's not wrong lar but somehow upon closer inspection, it sounds very judgemental & merciless. As we all know, no one can say that he/she had never made a poor/doubtful choice ever. Anyone in/out of a relationship, in business/managerial or a decision-making position would know well enough. I'd rather say that what defines a person are his/her priorities...because sometimes choices/decisions are made forcefully or lacking information & that's where we get mistakes, & I don't think a person should be defined by their mistakes.

In 24 years, I'm sure I have my share of poor choices & mistakes. But I'm happy & doing well with my priorities! & it gets better as I age!

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